A Two-mile Circular Walk with a picnic spot
This route is clearly signed
Sturdy shoes or boots are recommended.
Start at The Gate Inn, cross the Weston Road (TAKE GREAT CARE) and walk up High Street to the Thatched Tavern. Turn left alongside the Thatched Tavern into China Corner and walk straight on until you pass through the narrow gap opposite, between the houses. This leads onto a cul-de-sac. Follow the footpath straight ahead through the houses until you reach the end of the houses. Turn left and walk around the fenced culvert to the footpath signpost on the Weston Road. TAKE GREAT CARE when crossing this road. This is a very fast road, and visibility is not very good.
Over your first stile. This path leads through a woodland area before reaching the next stile. Once over this stile, turn right and follow the edge of the field (headland) to a way-marker post in the corner of the field where you will turn left, continuing to follow the headland.
Across another stile, then continue straight on to the wooden bridge. Cross the bridge and continue along the headland in the same direction until you meet the next wooden bridge with a stile.
Once over the stile, then follow a 2 o’clock direction, to the left of the first telegraph pole, to the metal gate leading onto the bridge. Over the bridge (where you can see another bridge and fencing installed by the local hunt). Immediately turn right and through the gap in the fence, then immediately turn left down a narrow path that runs between the disused railway and open fields (do not go up onto the old railway bed). Take time to admire the view of St. Egwin’s church in the distance. Continue along this path to the end where you will turn left and up onto the Mickleton Road. At the road, again taking GREAT CARE, turn left and walk 150 yards to the next stile on your left.
Cross the stile to enter the field. Walk in the direction of the church following the way-markers directing you through four more stiles, and into the churchyard. Take the path opposite the church porch, and into the next field. This leads you over a gated bridge, and then through a gate on to the Weston Road. Turn right and you are back at The Gate Inn.
We hope you have enjoyed your walk today, and that we have whetted your appetite for a variety of future walks during 2020* using the Public Rights of Way (PROWs) in the Parish of Honeybourne.
Email [email protected] for copies of any walks, to express concerns, or seek advice on how to best enjoy Honeybourne’s PROWs.
* A great way to gently improve your fitness and wellbeing, whilst appreciating the beautiful countryside in which we live.
December 2019