Flat terrain.
Sturdy shoes or boots are recommended.
Pets should be kept on leads at all times.
Refreshments are recommended.
Enjoy a picnic on the way, but do not leave litter.
Start at the Village Hall and head west to the High Street. Turn left and walk up to The Thatched Tavern where you will turn left into China Corner and then walk straight on until you pass through the narrow gap between the houses. This leads into a cul-de-sac on the Fair Acres estate.
Follow the footpath straight ahead through the houses until you reach the end of the houses. Turn left and walk around the fenced culvert to the footpath signpost on the Weston Road. TAKE GREAT CARE when crossing this road. This is a very fast road, and visibility is not very good.
Over your first stile. This path leads through a woodland area before reaching the next field. Turn right and follow the edge of the field (headland) to a waymarker post in the corner of the field where you will turn left, continuing to follow the headland.
Across another stile, then continue straight on to the wooden bridge. Cross the bridge and continue along the headland in the same direction until you meet the next wooden bridge.
Follow a 2 o’clock direction, to the left of the first telegraph pole, to the metal gate leading onto the bridge. Over the bridge; immediately turn right and through the gate to go up onto the bed of the old railway (there used to be ten tracks here). Walk in an eleven o’clock direction and down the other side of the bank to a gate. Enter the field *** and walk in a one o’clock direction to the far right-hand corner. This field is Poden “Lost Village” dating back to 703 AD when it was granted to Evesham Abbey by Offa, King of Mercia. This field is protected as a DMV (Deserted Medieval Village). It cannot be ploughed or dug in any way. Over the stile and across the Poden Farm driveway, following the track into the next field to the gated bridge on your right. Over the bridge (noting the raised ground to the right that is the site of a medieval overshot mill) and walk between the stables. This field *** was once a fish pond (constructed in the early middle ages) abutting the brook producing fish for the Abbott of Evesham. Follow the path along the headland on the left until you reach a stile in the far left-hand corner of this field. Over this stile and then immediately left over a bridge with stiles at each end, and turn immediately right and over the stile into the adjacent field. Walk in an eleven o’clock direction, crossing the drive of Far Poden Farm to reach the gated bridge that leads into Gloucestershire.
Follow the headland on the left of this field, passing over a stile ** before reaching a kissing gate. Take a one o’clock direction up a short rise. The medieval ponds will now come into sight. Walk straight ahead passing the ancient ponds on your left. Continue to the far left-hand corner of this field to another stile with yellow waymarker (not the gate!); then continue straight on with the hedgerow on your right until you meet a bridge over the stream on your right. Turn right over the bridge and follow this path to the left, with the hedgerow and stream on your left, for almost half a mile through to the road. TAKE GREAT CARE when crossing the B4632 into the lane almost opposite.
After 50 metres turn right onto the footpath. Another 10 metres and over a stile before following the hedgerow and stream on your left for 200 metres. Over the next stile and 25 metres to another stile tucked away in the left-hand corner of the field. Straight through the orchard, following the stream on your left, and into a private garden; through the metal gates and onto the B4035. TAKE GREAT CARE when crossing this road. Walk along the track opposite, and over the stile next to the large field gate. Then cross the field * to the bridge in the hedgerow opposite – next to the first large tree to your left. Straight ahead across the field to the next stile; over the stile and stream, and straight ahead to the next stile; over this stile and turn left to walk 30 metres into the corner of the field, noting the WW11 air raid shelters for WRAF serving at Honeybourne airfield. Turn right and follow the headland to the next stile. Walk straight ahead along Dover’s View and then down the public footpath, close to the field edge, to the road. Turn right along Church Street and follow the road to the junction with the main road (B4632), noting the “1857” and fire insurance seal above the double barn doors. TAKE GREAT CARE when crossing this road to the drive opposite. Follow this drive until you reach a stile on your left. Over the stile ** and follow the waymarker direction through this field until you reach a stile leading into woodland. Through this woodland and over a bridge into the next field *. Turn right and, keeping the brook and headland on your right, pass over two more stiles to reach the dilapidated sheds. Walk ahead with the new plantation on your right until you reach a field gate. Through this gate and immediately turn left through this plantation until you reach a gate leading onto the disused railway (Honeybourne line to Cheltenham).
Over the stile on the opposite side, re-entering Worcestershire, and straight ahead, still with the brook on your right until you reach the next stile in the far right-hand corner of the field. Over the stile and, keeping the brook on your right, walk straight ahead until you reach the driveway to Longstretch Farm. Over the bridge to continue to follow the brook on your left. This path takes you through a beautiful private woodland garden. Through the gate and straight ahead to the next stile. Continue with the brook on your left over two more stiles until your reach the drive to Weston Fields Farm. Turn left for 50 metres to meet the Weston Road. Turn right ensuring you walk on the grass verge facing the traffic for 130 metres until you see the field gate and stile on the opposite side of the road. TAKE GREAT CARE crossing this very fast road. Over the stile and, keeping the hedgerow on your right, walk the length of this field. Turn right over a footbridge and follow this path along the headland until you rejoin the path down into China Corner. Retrace your steps back to the Village Hall.
We hope you have enjoyed your walk today, and that we have whetted your appetite for a variety of future walks during 2023 in and around the Parish of Honeybourne.
Email [email protected] for copies of any walks, to express concerns, or seek advice on how to best enjoy Honeybourne’s Rights of Way.
* expect sheep
** expect cattle
*** expect horses
**** A great way to gently improve your fitness and wellbeing, whilst appreciating the beautiful countryside in which we live.
January 2023